Come and hear Pastor Mike Broom at Kresge Methodist Church, 15 Booger Hollow Rd. in Cedartown. The title of his sermons through the Advent season are: December 8th A Christmas of Peace, December 15th A Christmas of Joy, December 22nd A Christmas of Love. Breakfast served at 9:30, Sunday schoolContinue Reading

Breakfast with Santa Cedartown First Methodist on December 14, 2024 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Children under 5 free Children 6-10.  $5.00 Adults. $10.00 You may buy tickets at door of fellowship hall. Bring your camera and take pictures with your child with Santa. If you have any questions, youContinue Reading

From City of Cedartown: “The City of Cedartown could not be more thrilled about SOLARCYCLE coming to our town,” said Cedartown City Commission Chair Jessica Payton. “Bringing an innovative industry like this to Cedartown is something we have been working towards for many years. The current City Commissioners and IContinue Reading