Polk School District will have to deal with furloughs

On Tuesday, Governor Sonny Perdue ordered that every state employee must take three days of furloughs by the end of the year. This mandate includes school systems. Polk School District Superintendent Marvin Williams recently met with all of the county school’s principals to discuss options that would keep from taking away time in the classroom. The district is having to deal with a massive $1.2 million cut in state funding. The decision of whether or not each system would fund salaries or whether or not staff would take the furloughs has been left up to the local school boards. Two public hearings regarding the millage rate will be held on Tuesday, July 28 at 10 a.m. and later that day at 5:30 p.m. at central office. The Polk School District Board of Education will hold a special session at 6 p.m. that evening for strategic planning.