At the January City Commission meeting, Director of Redevelopment Dr. Tommy Engram requested that the board approve several changes to the Downtown Depot on South Main Street.        Engram made a proposal for bike racks to be placed in the downtown area and on West Avenue. The racks willContinue Reading

       As county and city governmental groups continue to make changes for the 2012 year, the Polk County School Board also made necessary adjustments in electing new officers and making a calendar adjustment for the upcoming year.        Vice Chairman Chuck Thaxton was nominated and unanimously elected to take theContinue Reading

      City Commissioners Dale Tuck and Gary Martin were sworn in by Judge Richard Sutton at the January meeting of the City Commission.        Tuck and Martin were re-elected to another four year term in November.        Accompanying Commissioner Tuck was her mother Minnie Loyd, and Gary Martin was joinedContinue Reading

       The Cedartown High School’s chapter of the Distributive Clubs of America will again be hosting the 14th annual Mr. Big Dawg talent contest.        The event will take place on Thursday, January 19 at 6:30 pm in the Cedartown Civic Auditorium.        Each year students are selected from eachContinue Reading

       Cedartown and Polk County citizens will be voting on a continuation of the 1% Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST).        The SPLOST money is used to improve departments and infrastructure throughout the city and county.        A recent purchase was made for the Cedartown Police Department withContinue Reading