From WRGA News:

The case against a former Floyd County Sheriff’s deputy did not go to the Grand Jury Friday as originally planned.
Jerry Duke of Cave Spring was arrested and charged with aggravated stalking on May 23rd after he allegedly violated a Temporary Protective Order filed by the mother of a teenager that Duke was dating.
The girl was 17 at the time but is now 18.
The case was to be presented to the Grand Jury on Friday.
In Georgia, an indictment has to be handed down within 90 days, if the accused is incarcerated.
However, Duke was granted bond Thursday and was released from jail after 77 days.
Floyd District Attorney Leigh Patterson said once bond was granted, the State was no longer under the same time restraints so they went ahead and pulled the case off the Grand Jury calendar for Friday.
Patterson’s only other comment was that the investigation is ongoing.